Renault wants to highlight line crossing alert, a technology embedded in its vehicles. This system alerts the driver with a visual and audible signal if the driver shifts or crosses a line on the ground without using turn signals.
Publicis Conseil contacted me to collaborate on the creation of three typographic visuals dedicated to the daily press. The artistic objective is to use the iconography of the markings on the ground to draw a parallel between the limits not to be exceeded on the road and in everyday life.
My role here is to define a typographic framework specific to each visual. Graphic design first requires an in-depth typographic research phase. My work on the letters is then delivered to Studio 3D which finishes the visual.
Club des Directeurs Artistiques
Gold (Press category)
Creative directors:
Yves-Eric Deboey / Mathieu Degryse
CGI Studio:
La Manufacture Paris